ࡱ> #%"9 4 bjbj.4l8888888LXXXX d L||||||||$Q qt@8|||||@88||U|8|8||88|p nL X k0  LL8888Forward Among many topics and theories which first year English Stream physiotherapy students at Fontys Paramedische Hogeschool are presented, the Movement Continuum Theory, which was introduced in a 1995 Physiotherapy Canada article, is considered by some in the field of physiotherapy to be a practical framework for the entire profession. Although the Movement Continuum is introduced to first year English Stream students, they have difficulties understanding how each level of the Movement Continuum is influenced, or can be stimulated with exercise therapy. The project commissioner therefore suggested it, and the group agreed, that a video, demonstrating exercises, which influence the levels of the Movement Continuum, would be beneficial. It was the groups desire that the end product consist of both a video and a report, which contained evidenced, based research supporting the Movement Continuum Theory and the exercises being chosen. The group hopes that both the report and the video are informative, concise and provide a clear visual understanding. It is the groups hope as well, that future Fontys Physiotherapy students can benefit from the investment made on this project. The members of this thesis group; Michael Bramlett, Drew Crowley, Jason Kwak, and Natalia Mosley, would like to thank the following instructors for their support throughout the process of this project: Jan Rumpt (Commissioner), Richard van Diesen (General Supervisor) and Annelies Simons (Project Coordinator/ Methodological Coordinator). March 20, 2001 Eindhoven, The Netherlands  4 6mH sH mH sH   YZ 3 4  4 ,1h. A!"#$n%  iH@H Standard$CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tHB`B berschrift 1$@&5\mH sH BA@B Absatz-Standardschriftart6B`6 Textkrper6]mH sH 4 YZ 360000000000004 4 4 djkwx^d !66DREW A CROWLEYfC:\Eigene Dateien\SCHOOL\PROJECTS & PAPERS\GRAD PROJECT\END REPORT PACKAGE\END PRODUCT PKG\Forward.doc36@33334P@UnknownG:Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Arial"qncoc !0G 2Q Forward DREW A CROWLEYDREW A CROWLEYZOh+'0h  0 <HPX` Forward orwDREW A CROWLEYREWREWNormalCDREW A CROWLEY1EWMicrosoft Word 9.0@n@:KnZ՜.+,0 hp  SCHAUKAESEREI ENGELBERG G  Forward Titel  !$Root Entry F*n&1Table WordDocument.SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPool*n*n  FMicrosoft Word-Dokument MSWordDocWord.Document.89q