De consument bewust loyaal maken met HV Polo
Casper Koppelle (Student); Kees de Graauw (Begeleider)
Transition skills
Bernardt, Clemens; van Spijk, Alex; van Assen, Sandra
Weaving in patterns into it infrastructure models
Michael Pöttker; Roland Bijvank (Lid Lectoraat); Frank J. Frey
Just build it!
Meggie Williams (Docent)
Gender inequality in the Dutch and Spanish students' part-time workplace : a still unresolved socio-cultural matter
Kitty C.M. Triest (Begeleider); Fernando Navarro Martinez (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs (Begeleider)
Imaging Spectroscopy in the Tokamak a Configuration Variable
R. Buning (Begeleider); Martijn Fleuren (Student)
Did the recast of the Dublin System, the Dublin III Regulation 604/2013, lead to changes in the practical implementation of the Dublin System in Germany in view of the safeguarding of the Fundamental Rights of the refugees?
Isabel K. Düsterhöft (Begeleider); Nora Heising (Student)
Relations among basic psychological needs, PE-motivation and fundamental movement skills in 9–12-year-old boys and girls in Physical Education
van Aart, Ingrid (Sports Science); Hartman, E.; Elferink-Gemser, Marije; Mombarg, Remo (Sports Science); Visscher, Chris
Sports in elementary school:
de Groot, Wouter (Sports Science); Moolenaar, Ben; Mombarg, Remo (Sports Science)
Symposium 10 years Lifelong Learning in Music
Alheit, Peter