The participative society. Why social work professionals should focus on environment rather than behaviour
Dr. S.M. Verhagen (Lector)
Child labour in Romania
M. van Munster (Begeleider); Lenka Sebova (Student)
De stukjes en de puzzel
Femmianne Bredewold (Lid Lectoraat); Peter Versteeg (Lid Lectoraat); Roel Kuiper (Lector)
Migration and Integration in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia and in the Netherlands, South Limburg
Barabara Krause; Karel Toussaint (Lid Lectoraat)
Over gelijkheid, diversiteit en de toekomst van het Social Work
Lineke Verkooijen
Unity in Diversity : intercultural dialogue, an instrument for integration
Yvonne Lamers (Student); Klaasbert Moed (Begeleider)
The multicultural debate in the Netherlands
B.S. Dolfin (Begeleider); Evelien de Roodt (Student); Theo A. Parlevliet (Begeleider)
Nokia's reputation and the SOMO Report
Z. Kahar (Begeleider); Annemarie de Weijer (Student)
The improvement of social behaviour during Physical Education
Veronique Utens (Student); Liesbeth Jans (Begeleider)
Social work in a digital society
Jan Steyaert (Lector); Jackie Rafferty