Promoting Farm-Firm linkage in tomato value chain in Rwanda : case of AIPD Ltd and URUGERO tomato farmers' cooperative in Busoro sector, Nyanza district –Rwanda
Ntirushwamaboko, C. (Student); onbekend
The contribution of Mukwano sunflower scheme to contracted small holder farmers’ household food availability : a case study of farmers in Ogur sub county, Lira District, Uganda
Ogwal, E. (Student); Uffelen, G.-J. van
Strengthening firm-farm relation in honey value chain : a case of Apibusiness Development Company and the Huye District Beekeepers' Cooperative, Rwanda
Uwera, F. (Student); Vermerris, P.
Toekomstgericht beheer van waterkeringen : hoe kan effectief en efficiënt beheer gevoerd worden?
Betten, A.-J. (Student); Geerlinks, J. (Student); Loon, H. van; Wesselink, M.
Effectiveness of Rural Advisory Services (RAS) on improving household food security: a case study on maize production of rural small scale farmers in Kodera village, Rachuonyo District- Kenya
Mbori, S.O. (Student); Put, M.
The impact of the annual fishing ban on the household food security and the coping strategies of Chiwempala fish traders in Chingola District, Zambia
Simalumba, P.L. (Student); Uffelen, G.-J. van
Assessing the current livelihood status of the resettled San community: the case of Sustainable Livelihoods Project for Bravo Resettled Community in Kavango-west region, Namibia
Ndeilenga, P. (Student); Kingma, K.
Toekomstperspectief Dodaars in Huisvennen Kampina : analyse van de ontwikkeling broedpopulatie van 2003 tot 2013
Bartels, M. (Student); Stolk, T. (Student); Bongers, G.; Jager, S. de; Nijboer, R.