All is one : enhancing the CSR practice of Hard Rock Hotel Bali
Natasha A. Kindangen (Student); Z.B. Kahar (Begeleider)
Dwaling in een tijd van voorspoed. Hoofdzonden als duiding van maatschappelijk onbehagen.
dr. Leon G.M. Derckx (Docent)
Stel: het is oorlog en niemand gaat er naar toe : PMT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy en de borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis
Sonja van den Hengel (Student)
What has hindered the economic development in sub-Saharan Africa and what are the challenges and opportunities for this region to get a foothold on the ladder of economic growth?
Boryana Ivanova (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
Promoting democracy in the Middle East : a critical analysis of the United States policy and its potential results in Iraq
G. W. Lord (Begeleider); Magdalena Suchon (Student)
Organizational Innovation and its Facilitators: A brief overview of work in progress
Dr. Paul Breman (Lector); M. Oteman; M. Makowski; B.M.E. de Waal; I. Hollaender; E. Hijmans; Astrid Bolland (Lid Lectoraat)
Social Capital in Organizations.
M. Oteman
Focussing innovation strategy for sustainability with the chemical industry as example
John J. Hageman; Jan Venselaar (Lector)
Focussing Innovation Strategy for Sustainability in Chemical Industry
John J. Hageman; Jan Venselaar (Lector)
Collaboration decisions: complex decisions
Drs. Lenny Visser