Trying to engage young people with your brand? Don't look any further. Think Online Community.
Madeleine Royere (Begeleider); Anne-Sophie Gaspersz (Student)
3e Prijs H/Link Afstudeerprijs 2013What is the added value for the City of Rotterdam to join the European 'My Generation at Work' network?
Ellen van der Geer (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs (Begeleider)
Artistic Strategies in the Network Society
Emiel Heijnen
Uit je zelf!
Renske van de Leemkolk (Student)
The Metro revolution and beyond; 15 years of free daily newspapers
Piet Bakker (Lector)
Projects Abroad goes Flemish.
Hanneke Ponten (Begeleider); Laurens Vos (Begeleider); Nicoline Laman Trip (Student)
PlayFit: Designing playful activity interventions for teenagers
Dr. Janienke Sturm (Lector); Prof. Dr. Ben Schouten (Lector); Dr. Tilde Bekker; Rob Tieben (Docent); Menno Deen (Docent)
Decreased variability in postural control strategies in young people with non-specific low back pain is associated with altered proprioceptive reweighting
Kurt Claeys; Simon Brumagne; Wim Dankaerts; Henri Kiers; Lotte Janssens
Education, the missing link of the Roma : approaching the truancy problem of Roma in the Netherlands
C. Thomas Jan Herweijer (Student); F.M. Termes (Begeleider)
Ryanair, flying high with low prices
Cindy J. Vrolijk (Student); Z. Kahar (Begeleider)