Revising the Common Assessment Methodology based on the BENTHIS project
Vries, B. de (Student); Reitsma, J.; Goldsborough, D.G.
Exposure to texture of foods for 8-month-old infants
da Costa, Saakje P; Remijn, Lianne; Weenen, Hugo; Vereijken, Carel; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Strategies and cues adolescents use to assess the age of an online stranger
E. Groenestein (Onderzoeker); N. Baas; A.J.A.M. van Deursen; M.D.T. de Jong
Which factors are important for effectiveness of sport- and health-related apps?
Dallinga, Joan; Janssen, Mark; van der Werf, Jet; Vos, Steven; Deutekom-Baart de la Faille, Marije
Perceived dentist and dental hygienist task distribution after dental and dental hygiene students' team intervention
Reinders, Jan J; Krijnen, Wim P; Stegenga, Boudewijn; van der Schans, Cees P (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Guiding the Visually Impaired through the Environment with Beacons
van der Bie, Joey (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Visser, Britte; Matsari, Jordy; Singh, Mijnisha; van Hasselt, Timon; Koopman, Jan; Kröse, Ben
The Synthesis of Raspberry-like Particles Utilizing a Heterocoagulation Technique
Joost Wolters (Begeleider); Willem Kegel (Begeleider); Rico Meeusen (Student)
Urban flood risk
A.W.V. Meijer (Student); Nikola Stanic (Begeleider); T. Le (Begeleider); Giuliana Scuderi (Begeleider)
Digital Archiving, Green IT and Environment. Deleting Data to Manage Critical Effects of the Data Deluge
van Bussel, Geert-Jan (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Smit, Nikki; van de Pas, John; Pather, Shaun
Relationship between the presence of baccalaureate-educated RNs and quality of care
R. Backhaus; E. Capezuti; H. Verbeek; J.P. Hamers; F.E. Tan; E. van Rossum (Lector); R.J. Halfens