From investing in real estate to investing in Sustainability
Oude Aarninkhof, N.B. (Nick) (Student)
Reducing Students littering behaviour by application of persuasive techniques
Mulder, S.A. (Rianda) (Student)
From professoriate to private & initial education
Troia, Marion
Verzekerd van betrokkenheid?
Eline Hamberg (Student)
Working = learning
Miranda Snoeren (Onderzoeker)
Fulfilling the promise of professionalism in street-level practice
P.H.J. van der Aa; R. van Berkel
Implementing research in professional higher education: Factors that influence lecturers' perceptions
Griffioen, D.M.E.; de Jong, Uulkje
Samen bouwen we de cirkel rond
Jip van Grinsven (Student); E. Sorbi (Begeleider)
Get your green suppliers on board!
Staal, Anne