The quest for "safe uncertainty" in student research
Stijn Bollinger (Lid Lectoraat)
The Studio Thinking Framework in Dance Education
Jocelyn Bergland; Lot Siebe
TVET Planning and Development
Jeroen Onstenk (Lector)
Hybrid Learning Environments in VET
Aimee Hoeve; Ilya Zitter (Lid Lectoraat)
Towards an effective workspace design by end-user emancipation
Kok, Herman; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Omta, Onno; Alexander, Keith
The design process of an urban experience
Nigten, Anne
While the music lasts
Smilde, Rineke; Page, Kate; Alheit, Peter
A process approach to children's understanding of scientific concepts
Steenbeek, Henderien (Youth, Education And Society); van der Steen, Steffie; van Dijk, Marijn; van Geert, Paul
Using epistemic synchronization index (ESI) to distinguish gifted and regular students’ knowledge elaboration process
Ding, Ning; Wolfensberger, Marca