Process Evaluation of the FindMyApps Program Trial
Beentjes, K.M. (Kim); Kerkhof, Y.J.F. (Yvonne) (Lectoratemember); Neal, D.P. (David); Ettema, T.P. (Teake); Koppelle, M.A. (Mylène); Meiland, F. (Franka); Graff, M. (Maud); Dröes, R. (Rose-Marie)
Data driven decision support
Mohammed el Yaakoubi (Student); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Annette Prinsen (Onderzoeker); Holger Hooimeijer (Onderzoeker)
Shaping sustainable business models
Oskam, Inge F. (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen)
Integrated Blue Carbon Management on the Dutch coast
Thiri Htun Thiri Naing (Student); Anneke van den Brink (Docent); Dunia Rios Yunes (Begeleider)
Fenders Hansweert, design proposal for improvement of the structure's performance
Sullen Lourenço Lehmkuhl (Student); Rien Davidse (Begeleider); Piet Dekker (Begeleider); Gerben Huiszoon (Begeleider)
Integrating a weighing system to prevent the issue of overloading
Roman Panaskin (Student); Etienne Veldhuis (Begeleider); Kalina Mikolajczak-Degrauwe (Begeleider); Vladimir Vorobiov (Begeleider)
Innovative approaches to accelerating and scaling up climate technology implementation for mitigation and adaptation
van der Gaast, Wytze (Legal Aspects Of The Energy Transition); Rastogi, Sumiran; Cassanti, Ana
Collaborative Robots Entering the Factory Floor
Wolffgramm, M.R. (Milan) (Phd); Corporaal, S. (Stephan) (Lector); Van Riemsdijk, M.J. (Maarten) (Lector)
A Capability Model for Learning Analytics Adoption
Justian Knobbout (Lid Lectoraat); Esther van der Stappen (Lid Lectoraat)
Evaluating the value of persuasive technology and the role of teachers in a blended learning course for social work students.
Engelbertink, M.M.J. (Monique) (Phd); Kelders, S. (Saskia) (Researcher); Woudt-Mittendorff, K.M. (Kariene) (Associatelector); Westerhof, G.J. (Gerben) (Professor)