The Adaptation Process in a New Socio-Cultural Environment for International Students who Follow the ES Program at THU
M.G.P. Peeters (Begeleider); Jianan Huang (Student); Enitsa M. Gabrovska (Begeleider)
Are first-year physiotherapy students physically active enough?
Mies van den Biggelaar (Student); Steven Onkelinx (Begeleider)
Factor analysis of engagement/satisfaction
Wesseling, N.; Candel Torres, I; López Martínez, A; Gómez Chova, Louis
Professional excellence
Fuller, Melissa; Robbe, Patricia; Wolfensberger, Marca
Transition skills
Bernardt, Clemens; van Spijk, Alex; van Assen, Sandra
Training load and health problems in freshman rowers
Beijsterveldt, Anne-Marie van; de Jong, Mark; Lemmink, Koen; Stubbe, Janine
Motivation blockers of first year Mechanical Engineering students at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Dr.Ir. Hay Geraedts (Docent)
Annieke Kanis (Student); M.F. van Kuijk
The effects of prior education and engagement on success in engineering studies: do women and men differ?
Kamphorst, Jan; Hofman, Adriaan; Jansen, Ellen; Terlouw, Cees
Nietzsche’s New Dawn / Nietzsches nieuwe dageraad
H. (Henriëtta) Joosten (Lid Lectoraat)