Evaluating the value of persuasive technology and the role of teachers in a blended learning course for social work students
Engelbertink, M.M.J. (Monique) (Researcher); Kelders, S.M. (Saskia) (Researcher); Woudt-Mittendorff, K.M. (Karien) (Researcher); Westerhof, G.J. (Gerben) (Researcher)
Current Challenges of Digital Health Interventions in Pakistan: Mixed Methods Analysis
Abdul Momin Kazi (Onderzoeker); Saad Ahmed Qazi (Onderzoeker); Nazia Ahsan (Onderzoeker); Sadori Khawaja (Onderzoeker); Fareeha Sameen (Onderzoeker); Muhammad Saqib (Onderzoeker); Muhammad Ayub Khan Mughal (Onderzoeker); Z. Wajidali (Onderzoeker); Sikander Ali (Onderzoeker); Rao Moueed Ahmed (Onderzoeker); H. Kalimuddin (Onderzoeker); Yasir Rauf (Onderzoeker); F. Mahmood (Onderzoeker); S. Zafar (Onderzoeker); T.A. Abbasi (Onderzoeker); K. Khoumbati (Onderzoeker); Munir Abbasi (Onderzoeker); L. (Lampros) Stergioulas (Lector)
Effect of aerobic training on vascular and metabolic risk factors for recurrent stroke: a meta-analysis
Rafaël Brouwer; Roderick Wondergem (Onderzoeker); Carlijn Otten; Martijn Pisters (Lector)
Teachers’ and students’ perceptions on barriers and facilitators for eHealth education in the curriculum of functional exercise and physical therapy
Manon M. Wentink; Petra Siemonsma; Leti van Bodegom-Vos; A.J. (Arend) de Kloet (Lector); J. Verhoef; Thea Vliet Vlieland; J.L. (Jorit) Meesters (Lid Lectoraat)
Linked opportunities to the Water Framework Directive and Natura 2000
Tess van der Hulle (Student); Jasper van den Heuvel (Begeleider); Thijs Poortvliet (Begeleider); Pierre Bleuzé (Begeleider)
Feasibility of a traditional and teletreatment approach to mirror therapy in patients with phantom limb pain
Andreas Rothgangel (Lid Lectoraat); Susy Braun (Lector); Rob Smeets; Sandra Beurskens (Lector)
A Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Design for Engaging Children in Therapy at Home—The Design of a Wearable Breathing Trainer
Siering, L. (Lara) (Student); Ludden, G.D.S. (Geke) (Researcher); Mader, A.H. (Angelika) (Researcher); Rees, H.M.C. (Hellen) van (Researcher)
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground
Paul Drijvers (Lector)