Monitoring training progress during exercise training in cancer survivors
May, Anne M; van Weert, Ellen; Korstjens, Irene; Hoekstra-Weebers, Josette E; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Zonderland, Maria L; Mesters, Ilse; van den Borne, Bart; Ros, Wynand J
Six-minute walking test in children with ESRD: discrimination validity and construct validity
Takken, Tim; Engelbert, Raoul; van Bergen, Monique; Groothoff, Jaap; Nauta, Jeroen; van Hoeck, Koen; Lilien, Marc; Helders, Paul
Effects of aquajogging in obese adults: a pilot study
PhD Ronette Kolotkin; MSc Annemieke van Nunen; PhD Rinie Geenen; PhD Ad Vingerhoets; MD Eveline Wouters (Lector)
Muscle strength, aerobic capacity and physical activity in independent ambulating children with lumbosacral spina bifida
P.J.M. Helders; T. Takken; J.F. de Groot (Lid Lectoraat); J.L.M. Hilleart; M.A.G.C. Schoenmakers; J.W. Gorter
Physical activity and enhanced fitness to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment, A Cochrane Review
Drs. Maaike Angevaren (Lid Lectoraat); A. Aleman; Prof. Dr. L.E.M.J. Vanhees (Lector); Geert Aufdemkampe (Docent); H.J.J. Verhaar
Analyse van de submaximale inspanningstesten
Mark van Wijgaarden (Student); Bas Notermans (Student); Monica Veeger (Begeleider); Reanne Govers (Student); Jeffrey van der Maat (Student); Hans Pruissen (Begeleider)