Zocht je misschien: dataset?
Wat pel je allemaal af? Op zoek naar goede privacy tools
M.S. Bargh (Lector)
Combining visitor-related data of sport events; looking for patterns
Sem van den Bogaert (Student); N.A. (Noud) van Herpen
Nominee for The Hague University of Applied Sciences Thesis Award 2018 / Genomineerd voor de Haagse Hogeschool Afstudeerprijs 2018Advancing the evidence base for sustainable city-region food systems [Meeting the growing appetite of cities - delivering an evidence base for urban food policy]
Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid; van Bossum, Jessica; Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero)
Flood model Bergen Norway and the need for (sub-)surface innovations for eXtreme Climatic EventS (INXCES)
Boogaard, Floris; Kluck, Jeroen; Bosscher, Michael; Schoof, Govert
Maturing pay-as-you-go data quality management: towards decision support for paying the larger bills
Jan van Dijk; M.S. Bargh (Lector); R. Choenni (Lector); Marco Spruit
Maak datasets openbaar
Piersma, Nanda (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
On usage control in relational database management systems: obligations and their enforcement in joining datasets
M.S. Bargh (Lector); M. Vink; R. Choenni (Lector)
On using obligations for usage control in joining of datasets
M.S. Bargh (Lector); M. Vink; R. Choenni (Lector)
Use of IMUs in Australian football to identify a kick and its corresponding limb velocity
Susanne Ellens (Student); Aad Lagerberg; Hanneke Braakhuis
The need for innovations for etreme climatic events (INXCES), the progress of flood modeling case Bergen Norway
Boogaard, Floris; Kluck, Jeroen; Schoof, Govert; Bosscher, Michael