SAHC 2023The International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions
Smyrou, Eleni; Paxinou, Katerina; Bal, Ihsan Engin
SAHC 2023The International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions
Smyrou, Eleni
Learning from community museums
Jimena Muhlethaler (Student)
Heritage Unlocked
Hanna Lenart (Student)
Second International Conference New Pathways for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition
Vieveen, Maarten; van der Schoor, Tineke
Rapport Inwonersvisies Drentsche Aa - Landschap & Energie
Vieveen, Maarten; van der Schoor, Tineke
Nationaal Symposium "Van hier naar verder, van vijand naar gast"
Vieveen, Maarten; Bennadji, Amar
Cultural crossroads
Rouzanna Coxson (Student)