Co-designing towards transitions? Facilitating more than experiment in Living Labs
J. Sluijs; M. Arias; M. Duta; J. Laclau Massaglia; A. Overdiek
Experimentation at the heart of societal change
K. van Turnhout; P. Joore; A. Overdiek; W. Smeenk
Unlocking the potential of living labs: insights and strategies
P. Joore; A. Overdiek; W. Smeenk; K. van Turnhout
Sustainable employability and work outcomes
Gürbüz, Sait; Bakker, Arnold B; Joosen, Margot C W; Noordik, Erik; Kok, Robin N; Penders, Gregorius B S; Brouwers, Evelien P M
Nurses’ Relational Leadership Struggles on Positioning in Strategic Hospital Crisis Management
Pieterbas Lalleman; Arjan Verhoeven; Erik van de Loo; Henri Marres
Please, see me; Informal and professional support of students with relatives with addiction problems: a three-year longitudinal qualitative study
D.M. van Namen; S.R. Hilberink; H. de Vries; G.E. Nagelhout; A.L. van Staa
Zero carbon, some nuisance: Exploring the viewpoints of heat pump owners and their neighbors in Groningen, Netherlands
Psarra, Ifigeneia (Real Estate); Turhan, Ethemcan; Ghassemialiabadi, Fatemeh
Verpleegkundigen tijdens een pandemie: een terugblik en een vooruitblik
Eline de Kok; Annemarie de Vos; Susanne Maassen; Monique Booy; Anne Marie Weggelaar
Influence of a life phase transition on food routines related to the protein transition
Eltink Cisneros, K. (Student); Veen, E.J.
Feasibility of a Dutch post-discharge parenting intervention (TOP program) for moderate preterm born infants
Flierman, Monique (Faculteit Gezondheid); Möller, Eline L.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van Kaam, Anton H.; Bossen, Daniël (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Jeukens-Visser, Martine