Sport, Physical Education and Coaching in Health (SPEACH)
SPEACH: supporting physical education teachers and sports coaches to promote an active and healthy lifestyleSport, Physical Education and Coaching in Health (SPEACH)
SPEACH: supporting physical education teachers and sports coaches to promote an active and healthy lifestyleSamenvatting
People are designed to movePhysical activity, including regular exercise, leisure-time physical activity, active transport and regular sports activity, is the best way of staying physically and mentally fit and healthy, helps to tackle weight and obesity issues. In contrast, too much sitting and being physical inactivity is unnatural behaviour and harmful to someone’s health in many ways: physically, socially and mentally. Despite this clear message, still a substantial part of the children and adolescents demonstrate physically inactive or even sedentary behaviour.Importance of sport sector in changing behaviourThe sport sector can play a positive and major role in stimulating children, youngsters and adolescents in raising awareness and changing behaviour into a more active and healthy lifestyle. Through sport professionals like physical education teachers and sport coaches many people can be reached. Being active in sport is beneficial for health but additional favourable effects occur when other forms of physical activity like walking, cycling, playing are promoted. To support the physical education teachers and sport coaches in their role of promotor of an active and healthy lifestyle, the SPEACH project was developed.SPEACH-projectGoal of SPEACH is to increase awareness and behavioural change in sport professionals and European citizens toward an active and healthy lifestyle. For that, five so called HEPA-modules were developed which can be offered by physical education teachers and sport coaches during their sport sessions with pupils. The modules focus on several important themes, target group, types of behaviour and generic competences which help sport professionals in promoting HEPA. On this website, further details of the following HEPA-modules are described:• Stimulate sport and physical activities for children with special needs towards a bright future;• Promoting HEPA among children and youth;• Healthy Lifestyle for the whole family!• Nutrition, digital technology and HEPA for adults;• Influencing & monitoring behaviour towards HEPA.

Organisatie | Hanze |
Datum | 2018-01-01 |
Type | Andersoortig materiaal |
Taal | Engels |