A method to determine a configuration of services that is viable
enabling energy business networksA method to determine a configuration of services that is viable
enabling energy business networksSamenvatting
Methods to design viable business networks (BNs) treat the concept of viability merely in terms of profitability. Further, the methods are restricted to mono-commodity (a single product or a service) BNs. However, business literature suggests that besides economic value (profit), non-economic values (e.g. lowering CO2 emission) play an important role in making BNs viable. Furthermore, BNs can also be multi-commodity (e.g. electricity, gas, heat). Hence, we aim to develop an method to determine a viable configuration of services for multi-commodity BNs. In addition, the term viability is used in an extended scope to include non-economic values.

Organisatie | Hanze |
Jaar | 2012 |
Type | Research proposal |
Taal | Engels |