Veiligheid als integraal aspect bij de projecten van Waste Treatment Technologies
Veiligheid als integraal aspect bij de projecten van Waste Treatment Technologies
Waste Treatment Technologies has made a considerable growth the past couple of years. The organization is designing, constructing, building and maintaining waste treatment facilities all over the world. Several aspects within the organization have grown together with the recent developments. However, safety turns out to be a point of discussion. The level of safety is not in line with the current form of the organization. There is no suitable follow up to the legal requirements and the requirements of the clients regarding safety. Because of this there is no sufficient control of the safety risks during a project.
In order to prevent future issues concerning safety this research clarifies the way in which future projects should be set up so that safety becomes an integrated part of these projects, whereas the relevant legal grounds and the requirements of the clients are met and that these are practically applicable within the organization. At first, the different project phases and the way safety is currently implemented within these project phases is illustrated. Subsequently the relevant legal grounds and the requirements of the clients regarding safety are mapped out. Based on these results, several risk management tools contributing to the management of safety and safety risks during a project have been selected and designed.
The projects WTT executed consist of a sales phase, a project phase, an engineering phase, a procurement phase, a production phase, a mounting phase, a commissioning phase and finally a sign-off phase. The extent to which safety plays a role differs per project phase. Safety hardly plays a role during the initial phases of a project. There are no specific legal grounds that apply and the safety requirements of the client are not directly relevant yet. The framework for the execution of the project is to be determined, as well as the framework concerning safety.
Safety does have a significant role during the engineering phase. The focus in this phase is on machine safety and the requirements of the Machinery Directive must be met. In this phase of the project it is still possible to manage the risks at their source by taking technical measures or by adjusting the design. The Machinery Directive is also relevant during the procurement phase and the production phase. The entire installation must be delivered with a CE-mark, so the components must be purchased and installed in conformity with the Machinery Directive. Besides the legal obligation, many clients ask for an installation containing a CE-mark.
Once the installation has been produced, the mounting process is started. The focus shifts from machine safety to occupational health and safety at which the Occupational Health and Safety legalisation must be considered. The legal requirements regarding occupational health and safety can deviate per continent, country or city. Anyhow, in this stage of the project it is important to manage the risks arising as a result of the mounting activities by taking control measures. In general, it can be said that this is a legal requirement in most countries and that most of the clients require it as well. The same legal and client requirements apply to the commissioning phase. However, the commissioning works differ from the mounting works and therefore there are other risks applicable during this project phase. It is important that the risks arising as a result of the commissioning activities are controlled as well by taking control measures. When the contractual requirements are met, the project will be assigned to the client after which the client is responsible for a safe use of the installation.
A number of risk management tools have been selected based on a multicriteria analysis. These tools provide the organization with starting points in order to comply with the legal grounds and the requirements of the client. The tools are standardized so WTT can apply&
Organisatie | Saxion |
Opleiding | Integrale Veiligheidskunde |
Datum | 2019-06-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Nederlands |