NEP Art Streams
A study of art production workflow optimization within the Graphics department of NEP.NEP Art Streams
A study of art production workflow optimization within the Graphics department of NEP.Samenvatting
NEP is an international tele-production company that produces real-time 3Denvironments for live television using augmented reality technologies.With multiple project kick-offs at a monthly basis, the team noticed that artproductions took longer than necessary due to repeatable production stepsand a lack of structure in the storage of art content. The team requested asolution that helps improve the production workflow of the designers.This document covers the research into the development of a product thatspeeds up the art production workflow of NEP’s Graphics department.Through questionnaires and test sessions the product was iteratively adjustedto the needs of the team. With the gathered knowledge on methods andinsights, the final solution was designed through prototyping, user testing andvalidation. 7 people from the Graphics department participated in thequestionnaires and test sessions.3 essential goals were determined: To create a structured and organizedmedium that allows the designer to gather resources from one location, toImprove the work speed of the designer by taking away a set of repetitiveproduction steps, and to create an expandable and maintainable system thatcan improve over time. The solution was an art library that contains allrequired content for art production. The library is expandable and is structuredto separately store content from Unreal marketplace and custom art. Aworkflow was designed to make sure that the library stays organized and getsexpanded in the future, along with a quality assurance step for the addedcontent. According to the answers from the test group, the prototype seemsto be an effective solution to improve the general art production efficiency,successfully meeting the main goal of speeding up the production workflow.This implementation can be improved further with the use of an overview andorganization guide, making sure that the product will stay clear and organizedin the future.
Organisatie | Saxion |
Opleiding | Creative Media and Game Technologies |
Datum | 2020-07-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |