Neue Chancen für die Schulsozialarbeit?!
Im Kontakt durch FacebookNeue Chancen für die Schulsozialarbeit?!
Im Kontakt durch FacebookSamenvatting
In times of mediatization society becomes a digital character which has an influence on every single person. Social Networking, by using web 2.0, is an everyday way to communicate with others in the whole world. Especially the youth is socialized with a high number of opportunities to use media and researches try to catch time in data to find ways of good web-using. Doing this, social communities, like Facebook, are focused because it represents how successful this type of communication has become in the last years. Even nowadays working is influenced and professions, like the one of social workers, have to deal with questions, like how they’re able to do justice to the changing ways of digital communication.
This research focuses exactly this global changes taking place in social work at German schools. It deals with the question, if using Facebook to get in contact with the social worker at school, seems to be more attractive to pupil than using the possibilities they’re already able to get in contact. Based on academic opinions the research is planned and the survey took place at the end of 2013. During the time passing by while completing this research, new researches aimed data which this research tries to do justice to, too. Nevertheless, this research is academically able to draw a picture in which it really does make sense, using Facebook to give pupil another way to get in contact with social workers at school. Depending on different topics more pupil would contact the social worker at their school, by using Facebook. 14 % more would get in contact regarding to their occupational career and personal issues in school. 6 % more would get in contact regarding to personal issues in private life. So it gives possibilities to social workers and social scientists how to deal with a professional usage of Facebook. Doing that, it contains applied recommendations for social workers at school and other scientific researches.
Of course, that is not possible without taking a critical perspective on the own work. So at the end of this research it contains also critical aspects referring to the way of this research, the planning and the results.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Opleiding | Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening |
Datum | 2016-04-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Duits |