Overflow tests on Belgian levees
Overflow tests on Belgian levees
Report on testing of water overflow on Belgian levees. On the Belgian part of the levee at the Prosperpolder, 14 overflow tests have been conducted on 12 sections.
Continuous overflow tests on levees are designed and executed to test the strength of levees and levee covers under the load of a continuously overflowing discharge of water. For this purpose, Flanders Hydraulics has designed and built an Overflow Generator (Vercruysse et al., 2022) within the framework of the Interreg Polder2C’s project. This device allows to generate a controlled and homogenous discharge of water flowing over the levee crest and slopes.
Within the Polder2C’s project, 27 overflow tests on Belgian and Dutch levee stretches have been executed in 3 episodes from 30/10/20 to 28/11/20, 17/02/21 to 31/03/21 and 16/11/21 to 20/12/21. Different test goals have been addressed, to understand the normal performance of a levee cover, and the influence of different anomalies and/or deviations from the ‘standard’ levee.
Organisatie | HZ University of Applied Sciences |
Afdeling | Applied Research Centre Technology, Water & Environment |
Lectoraat | Lectoraat Building with Nature |
Datum | 2022-11-15 |
Type | Rapport |
DOI | 10.48544/65409113-ac76-4e7a-a4af-e359bdc68314 |
Taal | Engels |