Een CVA is ook een familieziekte
een onderzoek naar de behoefte aan PMST bij psychosociale problemen tijdens en/of na het revalidatieproces bij jonge gezinnen waarbij een ouder getroffen is door een CVA.Een CVA is ook een familieziekte
een onderzoek naar de behoefte aan PMST bij psychosociale problemen tijdens en/of na het revalidatieproces bij jonge gezinnen waarbij een ouder getroffen is door een CVA.Samenvatting
This bachelorthesis focuses on the needs of a family- centred approach of young families affected by a stroke with psychosocial problems. In this purpose young families means: families with children in the age of nine till seventeen years old. The patient is still the central point of the rehabilitation, while the other familymembers also have to deal with the effects of a stroke. The period after rehabilitation is the heaviest because the family and patient realize that there is no recovery anymore and there whole life has been changed. The invisible effects like character and personality changes and cognitive effects become more clear. The first question of this research: Have young families with a parent affected by a stroke, psychosocial problems? The researcher of this thesis first did literature research to find this out. The second question: If there are psychosocial problems, what kind of counseling did they receive? And the final question: What can be the addition of Psycho Motor System Therapy (PMST) for these families with psychosocial problems? These questions are answered by four families by doing semi- structured interviews. The results of these interviews are worked out with the labelingmethod of data analysis from Baarda et al., (2005) kwalitative research. The literature research and the interviews showed that there are actually psychosocial problems in families affected by a stroke. Three of the four families which are interviewed confirm this. They also wished to have more help by these problems, to know better how to deal with this new situation. The results about psychosocial problems from the literature research and the interviews are combined and linked to the seven PMT themes. This shows the potential addition of PMST by the psychosocial problems in families with young childeren who are affected by a stroke. The conclusion of this thesis is: It’s necessary to offer these young families more help by their psychosocial problems in the period from the end of the rehabilitation to the beginning of the chronic phase. The researcher of this bachelorthesis recommends PMST for these families because of the experiential and nonverbal way of working. For these families PMST can be a good option to learn how to deal with the new situation and their psychosocial problems.

Organisatie | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Opleiding | Psychomotorische Therapie en Bewegingsagogie |
Afdeling | Domein Bewegen en Educatie |
Partner | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Datum | 2014-05-07 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |