Influence of resins in ground passenger car tire rubber on the devulcanization process : Proeftuin Recycling - Future Proof Polymers, project 395
Influence of resins in ground passenger car tire rubber on the devulcanization process : Proeftuin Recycling - Future Proof Polymers, project 395
In the recent past, the use of resins in modern tread compounds has increased considerably, in order to further improve tire properties. Based on the experience with silica-silane filler system, which led to a different network structure and a significantly changed devulcanization behavior, the influence of resin addition need to be investigated as well. The influences on de- and revulcanization of a silica-silane based tread compound with 20 phr resin are investigated with respect to processing of the deand revulcanizate, curing, mechanical and dynamic properties of the revulcanizate. The resin-containing
for revulcanization prepared devulcanizates showed a difficulty in processing behaviour due to stickiness. tan delta at 0 ◦C of the revulcanizates had increased considerably, as an indication of improved wet grip when used in a tire tread. A marginal increase of tan delta at 60 ◦C was observed as well, which is an indication of a small increase in rolling resistance. All other investigated parameters concerning the de- and revulcanization process and the revulcanizad material changed according to expectations.

Organisatie | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Afdeling | Domein Techniek |
Lectoraat | Kunststoftechnologie |
Datum | 2019-01-01 |
Type | Rapport |
ISBN | 978-90-830591-5-0 |
Taal | Engels |