HBO's largest educational database

A wide variety of subjects

Freely accessible


The HBO Knowledge Base provides access to research results and graduation projects from 26 universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands, and therefore serves as an important source of inspiration. Inspiration not only for professional education, but for businesses and society in a broader sense as well.

Contributions from professional practice

Businesses can offer an important contribution to the accessibility of research results by granting students permission to publish the results of their research projects. It is of course possible to anonymise the results of the projects before publishing them on the HBO Knowledge Base. Make sure you do this early on in your project and in consultation with the study counselor or student.

More information

For more information on how to succesfully partner with the HBO Knowledge Base, please contact the university in question. Want to know more about school-business partnerships? Visit the website of the Chamber of Commerce (in Dutch).

HBO Kennisbank provides access to the publications of 26 universities of applied sciences

HBO's largest educational database

A wide variety of subjects

Freely accessible