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Open access is making results of research free accessible, especially research financed by public resources. Access to knowledge, information and data is essential for research in higher education and research. It’s fundamental for knowledge development (research), knowledge transfer (education) and knowledge valorization (society). Important is that the results of research financed by public resources needs to be accessible for the society. SURF is also a powerful proponent.

Open Access according to HBO Kennisbank

Publications that are freely accessible are provided with the Open Access logo in the HBO Kennisbank. The list of open access publications is ever growing.

The HBO Kennisbank follows the definition for open access as is used by

When anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for and search within the information, or use it in education or another way within the legal agreements, the publication is called ‘open access’, as there are no financial, legal or technical barriers.

Creative Commons

Besides making your work free (online) accessible to others Open Access also means that you give others permission (under specific conditions) to use your work for their own purposes. These conditions are mentioned in the Creative Commons License.  By assigning a CC-license you give permission for certain ways of re (use), such as publication on HBO Kennisbank.

For more information about Creative Commons, click here.

HBO Kennisbank provides access to the publications of 26 universities of applied sciences

HBO's largest educational database

A wide variety of subjects

Freely accessible