People with short symptom duration of knee osteoarthritis benefit more from exercise therapy than people with longer symptom duration
van Middelkoop, M.; Schiphof, D.; Hattle, M.; Simkins, J.; Bennell, K.L.; Hinman, R.S.; Allen, K.D.; Knoop, J.; van Baar, M.E.; Bossen, D. (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Wallis, J.; Hurley, M.; Holden, M.A.; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.M.A.
O. edulis broodstock conditioning report
Jur Bosschaart (Student); Natan Hoefnagel (Docent); Nienke Bakker (Begeleider)
Publicatie artikel DRS conferentie
Nagenborg, (Michael H. ) (Extern); Smits, (Merlijn) (Associate Lector); van de Poel, ( Ibo ) (Extern); Ozkaramanli, (Deger) (Extern); Harbers, (Maaike) (Extern); Ferri, (Gabriele) (Extern)
Presentatie DRS conferentie
Smits, (Merlijn) (Associate Lector); Harbers, (Maaike ) (Extern); Ferri, (Gabriele ) (Extern); Ozkaramanl, (Deger) (Extern); Nagenborg, (Michael H.) (Extern); Poel, (Ibo) van de (Extern)
Navigating ethics-informed methods at the intersection of design and philosophy of technology
D. Ozkaramanli; M. Smits; M. Harbers; G. Ferri; M. Nagenborg; I. van de Poel
Endotoxin method for pharmaceutical products according to “Good Manufacturing Practices” (GMP) rules
Iris Gülcher (Student)
Designing an interactive, creativity-fostering mobile cart
Evenboer, M (Mirthe) (Student)
From theory to practice: Monitoring mechanical power output during wheelchair field and court sports using inertial measurement units
Marit P. van Dijk (Onderzoeker); Marco Hoozemans (Onderzoeker); M.A.M. (Monique) Berger (Lector); H.E.J. Veeger (Onderzoeker)
Teaching value-loaded critical thinking in philosophy education
Rombout, Floor (Lectoraat Kansrijke Schoolloopbanen In Een Diverse Stad)
SUSTAIN : making space for transitions in art that matter (English version)
J.C. (Jacco) van Uden (Lector); Kim Caarls; Godelieve Spaas (Lector); Olga Mink; Marga Rotteveel; Tineke Abma; Kees Klomp; Tom Maassen; Marcel Kampman; Ine Mols; Dick Rijken; Vamba Sherif; Teun Vonk; Zeyneb Birsel; Margherita Soldati; Sandra Boer; Jetske Freeve; Verily Klaassen; Arne Hendriks; Edo Roos Lindgreen; Myriam Vandenbroucke