Zocht je misschien: cohort?
The Living Environment and Thermal Behaviours of Older South Australians
Joost van Hoof (Lector); Helen Bennetts; Alana Hansen; Jan K. Kazak; Veronica Soebarto
What does quality of life mean to older adults?
van Leeuwen, Karen M.; van Loon, Miriam S.; van Nes, Fenna A.; Bosmans, Judith E.; de Vet, Henrica C. W.; Ket, Johannes C. F.; Widdershoven, Guy A. M.; Ostelo, Raymond W. J. G.
The power of restriction!
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
How to construct and apply creative filmmaking techniques in corporate, low-end, non-fiction productions?
Jansen, RM (Roos) (Student)
Marco Gijsen
Façades: Past, Present and Future
Entrop, A.G. (Bram) (Lectoratemember); Furness, J. (Justin) (Researcher); Marchand, J.L. (Jean-Luc) (Researcher); Rigone, P (Paolo) (Researcher); Resch, A. (Anton) (Researcher); Schopping, J. (Josef) (Researcher); Martin, P. (Pablo) (Researcher)
Thermal comfort in operating theatres for different types of ventilation systems
Ilse Jacobs; Marcel Loomans; Lada Hensen-Centnerová; Michel Krombeen; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Thermisch comfort in operatiekamers met diverse systemen
Ilse Jacobs; Marcel Loomans; Lada Hensen-Centnerová; Michel Krombeen; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Personal Lighting Conditions to Obtain More Evidence in Light Effect Studies
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven; Mats Burgmans; Mariëlle Aarts; Alexander Rosemann; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
A morphological approach for kinetic façade design process to improve visual and thermal comfort : review
M. Hosseini; Masi Mohammadi; A. Rosemann; T. Schröder; J. Lichtenberg