Audio Recognition based on Machine Learning technology
Issatayev, I (Elias) (Student)
Re-Organise - The Game
Lange, K.P.H. (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen)
Race Against The Algorithm
Bakker, Diederich
BITInLine: A Serious Game to Enhance Business Information Technology and Strategy Alignment
Collou, L (Luuk) (Associatelector); Bruinsma, G. (Guido); Iacob, M.E. (Maria-Eugenia)
Afstudeerscriptie Teun Houwers Blackout Music NL
Houwers, T (Teun) (Student)
The Character Production Pipeline Project
Aioanei, IA (Iolanda) (Student)
Improving the inclusion of trans and gender diverse people in video games through character customization
Paul, JJ (Devin) (Student)
Graduation report
Kamp, TM (Tiemen) (Student)
Creating a 2D animation with 3D elements while exploring EbSynth & Blender
Danila, A (Alexandra) (Student)
Project Green Lagoon
Pazaurek, B (Benjamin) (Student)