Demonstratie kwalitatief onderzoek met AI: een succesverhaal of overtuigende grammaticaal correcte onzin?
Lechner, Stefan
Gastcollege Well-being @ Work en leiderschap
Veth, Klaske
Implications of changing Caribbean coral reefs on Diadema antillarum larvae settlement
Wijers, T. (Onderzoeker); Hylkema, A. (Lid Lectoraat); Herpen, B. van; Mattijssen, D.; Murk, A.J.; Patterson, J.T.
Distinguishing happiness and meaning in life from depressive symptoms: A GWAS-by-subtraction study in the UK Biobank
de Vries, Lianne P.; Demange, Perline A.; Baselmans, Bart M. L. (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Vinkers, Christiaan H.; Pelt, Dirk H. M.; Bartels, Meike
Comparative analysis of COVID-19 vaccine distribution
Aprilia Tania Tesalonika (Student)
Schema-Focused Working Methods for Arts and Body-Based Therapies
Suzanne Haeyen (Lector)
Step by Step Towards a Design Process for Plain Language
Charlotte Swart; Mischa Corsius; Keun Sliedrecht
ILR-HIP study
Sil Kukler (Student); Aad Lagerberg (Begeleider)
Humour and comics for academic change and well-being
Giovanna Bertella; Lucia Tomassini