Development and process evaluation of a motor activity program for people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities
Van Alphen, H.J.M.; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); Minnaert, Alexander; van der Putten, Annette Aj
The experiential knowledge of migrant women about vulnerability during pregnancy: a woman-centred mixed-methods study
J.A.C.A. Fontein-Kuipers; E. Mestdagh
Wild Painting
van Boeckel, Jan
Move and be moved
Jenneke van Geest (Docent); Rosemarie Samaritter (Lid Lectoraat); Susan van Hooren (Lector)
Imagery rehearsal based art therapy
Suzanne Haeyen (Lid Lectoraat); Merel Staal
Retrospectief onderzoek naar de inter- en intrabeoordelaar variatie van een nieuwe vereenvoudigde methode voor het beoordelen van spierechografiebeelden
Iris Geverinck (Student); Fenna Muller (Student); S. Haarmans-Jonkman (Begeleider); Yvonne Boorsma (Begeleider)
Material Sample Management Tool
Bogers, Loes; Groen, Maarten (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies)
Intervention effects on professionals’ attitudes towards the participation of adults with visual and severe or profound intellectual disabilities
Hanzen, Gineke; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); van Nispen, Ruth M A; Post, Wendy J.; van der Putten, A. A. J.; Vlaskamp, Carla
Feminist data practices
Niederer, Sabine (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Colombo, Gabriele
Deaf landscape
Andrej Badin (Student)