Zocht je misschien: collection?
The Value of Privacy and Surveillance Drones in the Public Domain
Gerdo Kuiper; Quirine Eijkman
Met veilig vallen en samen opstaan
Sascha van Gijzel (Lid Lectoraat)
Peer-to-peer shadowing as a technique for the development of nurse middle managers clinical leadership
Pieterbas Lalleman; G.A.C. Smid; J. Rasiah; J. Bouma; M.J. Schuurmans
The complexity of shaping self-management in daily practice
H. van de Bovenkamp; J. Dwarswaard
Fisher-Level Decision Making to Participate in Fisheries Improvement Projects (FIPs) for Yellowfin Tuna in the Philippines
Frazen Zondervan; Paul Berentsen; Simon Bush; Larry Digal; Alfons Oude Lansink
Evaluation of the functional status of learning networks based on the dimensions defining communities of practice
Celeste Meijs; F.R. Prinsen (Lector); Maarten de Laat
Challenging obduracy: how local communities transform the energy system
van der Schoor, Tineke; van Lente, Harro; Scholtens, Bert; Peine, Alexander
Mathies, Uli; Segers, Rien