The Influence of Indoor Environmental Quality on Perceived Quality of Learning in Classrooms for Higher Education
Henk W. Brink; Marcel Loomans; M.P. Mobach; Helianthe S.M. Kort (Lector)
Regimes of visibility and the affective affordances of Twitter
Geboers, Marloes Annette; Van De Wiele, Chad Thomas
How architecture can improve the quality of life of individuals showing challenging behaviour
Roos, Berit Ann (Facility Management); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Heylighen, Ann; Christer, Kristy; Craig, Claire; Chamberlain, Paul
Visual guidelines for climate-responsive urban design
Cortesão, João; Lenzholzer, Sanda; Mülder, Jochen; Klok, Lisette; Jacobs, Cor; Kluck, Jeroen (City Net Zero)
Fish assemblages of three common artificial reef designs during early colonization
Hylkema, A. (Lid Lectoraat); Debrot, A.O.; Osinga, R.; Bron, P.S. (Lid Lectoraat); Heesink, D.B. (Student); Izioka, A.K.; Reid, C.B.; Rippen, J.C.; Treibitz, T.; Yuval, M.; Murk, A.J.
Dobrenko, N (Nick) (Student)
Digital assessment of a retentive full crown preparation - an evaluation of prepCheck in an undergraduate preclinical teaching environment
Schepke, Ulf; van Wulfften Palthe, Mariëtte E.; Meisberger, Eric W; Kerdijk, Wouter; Cune, Marco S.; Blok, Berend
Construct validity of the Actiwatch-2 for assessing movement in people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities
Van Alphen, H.J.M.; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); Minnaert, A.E.M.G.; Post, Wendy J.; van der Putten, A. A. J.
Observing Taxi Behaviour at Charging Stations and Taxi Stands Using Image Recognition
Groen, Maarten (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Piersma, Nanda (Kenniscentrum Create-It)
Recruitment Process of People with Disabilities
Robert Banner (Student); Frans Engelman (Begeleider); Esperanza Morales-López (Begeleider)