Evaluation of Farmer Research Extension Group (FREG) as extension approach: the experience of Sida - Amhara Rural Development Program in Kalu District, of Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Abebe, E.Z. (Student); Put, M.; Witteveen, L.
“Looking behind the scene” : opportunities and challenges of a partnership approach : the case of the "income generating activities project", Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Akyoo, E.P. (Student); Put, M.; Witteveen, L.
Bridging the gap between technological possibilities and the people : the case of citrus farming Makueni District, Kenya.
Kamula, J.M. (Student); Moor, I. de
Access constraints by women farmers to Multiflower extension services : the case of Mvomero district, Tanzania
Mhango, S.S. (Student); Gildemacher, B.; Westerndorp, A.
Bulking practices in the vegetable oilseed sub-sector : the case of sunflower in Lira District, Northern Uganda
Bella, A.F. (Student); Hesslinks, E.
Building social capital in women farmer groups through contribution of integrated pest management farmer’s field school program in Kavre district, Nepal
Humagain, R.P. (Student); Westendorp, A.M.B.
Weidegang versus opstallen
Haverschmidt, J. (Student); Kwakernaak, C.
Jatropha: een brandstof als banenmotor
Dennis Huisintveld (Student)
Jonge dromen over het platteland. Een onderzoek naar de beleving van de reconstructie in Brabant.
Dr. M.Y. te Poel (Lector); A. Verweij