Performance management voor het Serviceplein en het Warm Welkom
Sanne Lindner (Student)
“So, I told him to look for friends!” Barriers and protecting factors that may facilitate inclusion for children with Language Disorder in everyday social settings: Cross-cultural qualitative interviews with parents
Kristine Jensen de López; Julie Feilberg; Sofía Baena; Rena Lyons; Sam Harding; Maja Kelić; Inge Klatte; Tina Mantel; Rama Novogrodsky; Thora Ulfsdottír; Krisztina Zajdó; Isabel Rodríguez-Ortiz
Facilitating campus interactions – critical success factors according to university facility directors
Jansz, Sascha (Facility Management); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); van Dijk, Terry
Cross-Platform Multi-User Interaction Tools in Unreal Engine
Constantinescu, MA (Mihai) (Student)
Young Professional Semester Portfolio - Micro Wedding Packages for Millennial Couples in the Netherlands
Pham, HQ (Quynh) (Student)
Peatlands across Europe
Haye, A. de la; Devereux, C.; Herk, S. van; Belle, J. van (Onderzoeker); Sechi, V. (Associate Lector)
The course of readmission in frail older cardiac patients
Rijpkema, Corinne J.; Verweij, Lotte; Jepma, Patricia; Latour, Corine H. M. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); Peters, Ron J. G.; Scholte Op Reimer, Wilma J. M.; Buurman, Bianca M.
Local CoP (community of practice) impact measurement model.
Beenen, Paul; Bosch, Marije; te Velde, Saskia; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity)
Challenges in migrant women’s maternity care in a high-income country
Embla Yr Gudmundsdottir; Helga Gottfreðsdóttir; Berglind Hálfdánsdóttir; Marianne Nieuwenhuijze; Mika Gissler; Kristjana Einarsdóttir
Extending grassland age for climate change mitigation and adaptation on clay soils
Iepema, G.L. (Lid Lectoraat); Hoekstra, N.J.; Goede, R. de; Bloem, J.; Brussaard, L.; Eekeren, N. van