Progressive resistance training for persons with intellectual disabilities and visual impairment
Dijkhuizen, Annemarie; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); Hermans, Seph; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Krijnen, Wim (Statistical Techniques For Applied Research)
Data in Beeld
Niederer, Sabine (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Majoor, Stan; Poel, Marije; de Waal, Martijn
Prospective randomized clinical trial on the survival of lithium disilicate posterior partial crowns bonded using immediate or delayed dentin sealing
van den Breemer, C.; Gresnigt, M.M.M.; Özcan, M.; Kerdijk, W.; Cune, M.S.
Structural design of an ice arena roof
Daria Safonova (Student); Giuliana Scuderi (Begeleider); Joachim de Keijzer (Begeleider); Jimmy Tat (Begeleider); Bas Symons (Begeleider)
The effect of indoor air quality in Dutch higher education classrooms on students' health and performance
Brink, Henk W.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Kort, Helianthe S.M.
The purchase price of runners’ sports apparel
Erik Thibaut; Steven Vos (Lector); Jeroen Scheerder
ZORA robot based interventions to achieve therapeutic and educational goals in children with severe physical disabilities
Renée van den Heuvel (Lid Lectoraat); Monique Lexis (Lid Lectoraat); Luc de Witte (Lector)
The impact of visually realistic weather system on the effectiveness of virtual reality training
Leka, A (Admir) (Student)
How to enhance the visual aspect of the application ‘Innobrix’ keeping the target platforms’ limitations in mind.
Boulton, BA (Bruce) (Student)
Visual style in a virtual reality safety trainer
Baalhuis, MH (Matthijs) (Student)