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Game-Based Learning to Elicit and Improve Value Creation in Learning Communities
Braad, Eelco (Human Centered Technologies); Veltman, Marieke; Bos, Peter; Plass, Danny; De Vries, Sjoerd
The Symbiotic City
de Gaetano, C.A.M.; Niederer, S.M.C. (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Dockett, A.C. (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies)
Effects of socioscientific issues-based teaching on attitudes: students’ resources as moderator
L.T. Klaver; L.J.F. Guérin; P.H.M. Sins; J.H. Walma van der Molen
Exploring support for collaborative business modelling and governance design for collective action
F.T.H.M. Berkers; R. van der Pluijm
Working on differentiated nursing practices in hospitals: A learning history on enacting new nursing roles
Dieke Martini; Hugo Schalkwijk; Pieterbas Lalleman; Lisette Schoonhoven; Mirko Noordegraaf
Working on differentiated nursing practices in hospitals: A learning history on enacting new nursing roles
Dieke Martini; Hugo Schalkwijk; Lisette Schoonhoven; Mirko Noordegraaf; Pieterbas Lalleman
Working on differentiated nursing practices in hospitals: A learning history on enacting new nursing roles
Dieke Martini; Hugo Schalkwijk; Lisette Schoonhoven; Mirko Noordegraaf; Pieterbas Lalleman
Validity challenges in serious games for health : a collective case study
Keuning W (Lid Lectoraat); Prins H (Lid Lectoraat); Verhoeven F (Associate Lector); Jansen ACJ (Lid Lectoraat); Hakvoort GA (Associate Lector); Dijkstra BH; Goris J; Tiekstra S; Hettinga M (Lector); Kuipers DA
Supporting Teachers To Identify And Address Inequality Of Opportunity By Playing A Serious Game
Koffeman, André (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Snijders-Blok, Dymphna (Bestuursstaf); Stavenga, Wybe; Rusbach, Birgit; Meelker, Jetske