Zocht je misschien: boom?
Ways to listen to a river
Dennis Bouma (Onderzoeker); Aart van der Maas (Onderzoeker); Anke Hamers (Onderzoeker); Anton Boonen (Lector); Nico de Vos (Lector)
Ways to listen to a river
Dennis Bouma (Onderzoeker); Aart van der Maas (Onderzoeker); Anke Hamers (Onderzoeker)
Community supported agriculture and collective land stewardship
López, J.E.R. (Student); Helvoirt, B. van
Community supported agricultue
Kaaij, A. van der (Student); Helvoirt, B. van
The role of robotization in work design
Berkers, Hannah A. (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership); Rispens, Sonja; Le Blanc, Pascale M.
Out of sight, out of mind: effects of management attention on strategic SDG integration in Dutch SMEs
DiVito, Lori (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship); Timmermans, Anoesjka (Amsib (Cedis))
Impact of global warming on the European whale pump
Rooij, N. de (Student); Merién, D.
Sociaal werkers faciliteren burgerparticipatie in Haarlem
Huub Purmer (Lid Lectoraat); Paula Smith (Lid Lectoraat)
Meeting of the ROLES Consortium
Wiekens, Carina
Woodstock and the dawn of everything
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)