Zocht je misschien: cooling?
Is gaze behaviour in a laboratory context similar to that in real-life? A study in bicyclists
Zeuwts, Linus; Vansteenkiste, Pieter; Deconinck, Frederik; van Maarseveen, Mariette; Savelsbergh, Geert; Cardon, Greet; Lenoir, Matthieu
Oxygenation threshold derived from near-infrared Spectroscopy
van der Zwaard, Stephan; Jaspers, Richard T.; Blokland, Ilse J.; Achterberg, Chantal; Visser, Jurrian M.; den Uil, Anne R.; Hofmijster, Mathijs J.; Levels, Koen; Noordhof, Dionne A.; de Haan, Arnold; de Koning, Jos J.; van der Laarse, Willem J.; de Ruiter, Cornelis J.
Children's route choice during active transportation to school : difference between shortest and actual route
F.H. Pierik; G. Hegeman; D. Dessing; S.I. (Sanne) Vries (Lector); W. van Mechelen
Ontstaan van het Cycling Lab
de Jong, Johan
The Effect of Kinematic Chain Manipulative Therapy on the Frontal Plane Knee Movement in Cycling
Steven Onkelinx (Begeleider); Kitty Schiphorst Preuper (Student)
Is our youth cycling to health?: Results from the Dutch 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
D.F. Ettema; Peter Barendse; Mark S. Tremblay; H.W. Smits; Tim Takken; G.C.W. Wendel-Vos; N.H.M.J. Schipper-van Veldhoven; D.H.H. van Kann; J. Lucassen; Karlijn Knitel; C. Veenhof (Lid Lectoraat); R. van den Dool; J. van der Net; T. Altenburg; E.M. Monninkhof; J. Faber; Janke F. Groot; Marcella Burghard; S. de Vries; M. Beijersbergen; H.C.G. Kemper; Iris van Oost
Participation in cycling, at what cost?
Erik Thibaut; Steven Vos; Wim Lagae; Tom Van Puyenbroeck; Jeroen Scheerder
Monitoring perceived stress and recovery in relation to cycling performance in female athletes
Otter, Ruby (Sports Science); Brink, Michel; van der Does, Hendrike; Lemmink, Koen
Reliability of the Dutch translation of the Kujala Patellofemoral Score Questionnaire
P. E. J. Ummels; A.F. Lenssen; M. Barendrecht; A. J. H. M. Beurskens
Critical Strain Determination Based on the Euler-Fresnel Jig
S Koussios; K Tazelaar (Docent); NB Roozen; A Beukers