How can tendering authorities stimulate innovations within SMEs in tenders below threshold values?
Werkman-Bouwkamp, Geke; van der Woude, Marius
De begeleiding aan asielzoeker en advocaat tijdens de AA
Jacqx, MTE (Melanie) (Student)
Longitudinal relationship between sitting time on a working day and vitality, work performance, presenteeism, and sickness absence
Hendriksen, Ingrid J.M.; Bernaards, Claire M.; Steijn, Wouter M. P.; Hildebrandt, Vincent H.
Implementatie Right to Challenge 2016
Tijmen Distelvelt (Student)
Misbruik van executiebevoegdheid
Jill de Niet (Student)
Development and optimisation of an in-service teacher training programme on motivational assessment in physical education
Menno Slingerland; Lars Borghouts; Liesbeth Jans; Gwen Weeldenburg; Gertjan van Dokkum; Steven Vos; Leen Haerens
An Intervention to Prevent and Reduce Maternal Distress in the Netherlands – Its Development from Start to Finish
J.A.C.A. Fontein-Kuipers (Lid Lectoraat)
What's The Corporate Story?
Mark Jacobs (Onderzoeker)
Het sociaal-ondernemersklimaat van gemeente Katwijk
Michael Warmenhoven (Student); Lia Dickhof (Begeleider)
Cooperative learning in Lichamelijke Opvoeding
Bas van den Boorn (Student)