Africa Centre. A Study about Brand Awareness and Brand Knowledge Among the People of Cape Town
Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider); Isla Haddow-Floot (Begeleider); Tessa Schiebroek (Student)
Controlling galvanometers for Fourier domain Optical Coherence Tomography for ophthalmology research
C. Swarts (Begeleider); N. van der Houwen (Begeleider); Joost de Jong (Student)
Facilitating the use of recorded lectures: Analysing students' interactions to understand their navigational needs
Pierre Gorissen
What’s this thing called Love? Exploring the relationship between brand love, personality, and the propensity to anthropomorphize
Ronald Voorn (Lid Lectoraat)
Engaging with Consumer Tribes.
Willemijn van den Broek (Student); Peter Applebaum (Begeleider); Summer Howcroft (Begeleider); Ed Olijerhoek (Begeleider)
A comparative study of the implementation methods of heating elements used for the development of textile heaters
Agrawal, P. (Pramod) (Researcher); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector)
Transition and transformation
Roggema, Rob; Vermeend, Tim; Timmermans, Wim
Patterns to Enable Mass-Customized Business Process Monitoring
Jochem Vonk; dr Marco Comuzzi (Docent); dr Samuil Angelov
Some key issues in creating inquiry-based instructional practices that aim at the understanding of simple electric circuits
Zeger-Jan Kock (Docent); Ruurd Taconis; Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); Koeno Gravemeijer
The influence of photographs when choosing horses for purchase
Schnaudt, M. (Student); Wolframm, I.