enhancement of guest experience through technology
angela agyiri (Student)
Please, see me; Informal and professional support of students with relatives with addiction problems: a three-year longitudinal qualitative study
D.M. van Namen; S.R. Hilberink; H. de Vries; G.E. Nagelhout; A.L. van Staa
Accounting for site-to-site DNA transfer on a packaged exhibit in an evaluation given activity level propositions
Taylor, Duncan; Volgin, Luke; Kokshoorn, Bas (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
KIWA test report
Teeffelen, (Kees) (Onderzoeker); Sluiter, (Victor) (Onderzoeker)
In Circles: Performance. Philosophy. Animals. Equality
Laura Cull O Maoilearca (Lector)
Distribution of Power and Value Crucial for a Successful Circular Economy Transition
Arnold Tukker (Onderzoeker); Renzo Akkerman (Onderzoeker); Antoine Heideveld (Onderzoeker); Jaco Quist (Onderzoeker); Ruben Vrijhoef (Lector); Cees Withagen (Onderzoeker); Mark Beumer (Onderzoeker)
Erfgoed gaat over mensen.
Bulder, Elisabeth (Leefomgeving In Transitie)
In the eye of the beholder
Wolframm, I.A.; Reuter, P.; Zaharia , I.; Vernooij, J.
Thesis about the emptying process of water storage facilities in urban areas
Melvin Lisseveld (Student); Lukas Papenborg (Docent); Lennard Stigter (Begeleider)
One Plank Exhibition
Schoen, A.J.N.; Gehring, S.