Player behavioural modelling for video games
van Lankveld, G.; Spronck, P.H.M.; Bakkes, S.C.J.
Generating missions and spaces for adaptable play experiences
Dormans, Joris; Bakkes, S.C.J.
Head detection in stereo data for people counting and segmentation
Kröse, B. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); van Oosterhout, Tim; Bakkes, S.C.J.
Telemonitoring for independently living elderly
Morsch, Richard; Kröse, Ben; Bakkes, S.C.J.
Gesture recognition for an exergame prototype
Gacem, Brahim; Vergouw, Robert; Verbiest, Harm; Cicek, Emrullah; Kröse, Ben (Kenniscentrum Create-It); van Oosterhout, Tim; Bakkes, S.C.J.
Telemonitoring for assisted living residences
Alizadeh, S.; Bakkes, S.C.J.; Kanis, M.; Rijken, M.; Kröse, B.J.A.