How does government policy influence the employment and training of nurse practitioners and physician assistants? A realist analysis using qualitative interviews
Ellen Dankers-de Mari; Suzanne van Hees; J. Albertus; Ronald Batenburg; Patrick Jeurissen; Anneke van Vught; Marjolein Thijssen
Do project management and network governance contribute to inter-organisational collaboration in primary care?
Schepman, Sanneke; Valentijn, Pim (Nursing Diagnostics); Bruijnzeels, Marc; Maaijen, Marlies; de Bakker, Dinny; Batenburg, Ronald; de Bont, Antoinette
On the validation of an evaluation framework, the case of Nursemapp
Johan Versendaal (Lector); Tamara Högler; Ronald Batenburg
Do individual characteristics matter? The quality of work during the implementation of a workflow management system in a Dutch social insurance company
Paul Breman (Lector); Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat); Ronald Batenburg (Onderzoeker)
Do employees accept the information systems that management buy ?
Paul Breman (Lector); Ronald Batenburg; Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat)
What makes end-user training successful?
Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat); Ronald Batenburg (Onderzoeker)
Metastructuration actions of management: critical for stakeholder intervention in IS/IT implementations
Dr. Ben Fruytier (Lector); Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat); Ronald Batenburg (Onderzoeker)
Making metastructuration actions specific to stakeholders interactions: A comparative analysis of three IS/IT implementations within a public health organization
B. Fruytier; Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat); Ronald Batenburg (Onderzoeker)
Cultural differences in implementing business process management systems
Ronald Batenburg (Onderzoeker); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lid Lectoraat)
In Search of Competencies Needed in BPM Projects
B.M.E. de Waal (Docent); Ronald Batenburg (Onderzoeker); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lid Lectoraat)