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Developing explainable machine learning model using augmented concept activation vector
R. Zare Hassanpour; K. Oztoprak; C.P.M. Netten; A.L.J. Busker; M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni; B. Kizildag; L. Kilinc
Stereotypes in ChatGPT: an empirical study
A.L.J. Busker; R. Choenni; M.S. Bargh
Adaptive feature selection using an autoencoder and classifier: applied to a radiomics case
R. Zare Hassanpour; C.P.M. Netten; A.L.J. Busker; M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni
Data governance in smart cities: challenges and solution directions
R. Choenni; M.S. Bargh; A.L.J. Busker; C.P.M. Netten
Big data: technologie verkenning voor het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie
A.L.J. Busker; J. Kroon; M.S. Bargh (Lector)
Big data: hype of toekomst?
Tony Busker; Mortaza S. Bargh (Lector); Jan Kroon; Sunil Choenni (Lector)
De SunnyApp
R. Choenni (Lector); P. Conradie; T. Busker (Lid Lectoraat); J. Lemmens
Rapid weighted random selection in agent-based models of infectious disease dynamics using augmented B-trees
R. Bakker; A.L.J. Busker; R.G. White; R. Choenni
Onderzoeksvaardigheden voor informaticastudenten (Bachelor)
Mortaza S. Bargh (Lector); Sunil Choenni (Lector); P.J. den Brok; Tony Busker