Comparing conventional and modified Seldinger techniques using a micro-insertion kit for PICC placement in neonates: a retrospective cohort study
Matheus van Rens; Kevin Hugill; Robin van der Lee; Airene Francia; Fredericuis van Loon; Mohammad Bayoumi
Peripheral intravenous therapy infiltration/extravasation (PIVIE) risks and the potential for earlier notification of events using a novel sensor technology in a neonatal population
Matheus van Rens; Daniel Vijlbrief; Sophie Braun; Kevin Hugill; Fredericus van Loon; Agnes van de Hoogen
Outcomes of establishing a neonatal peripheral vascular access team
Matheus van Rens; Kevin Hugill; Mohammed Abdul Khader Gaffari; Airene Francia; Thiruveni Ramkumar; Krista Garcia; Fredericus van Loon