Magnetic-resonance-imaging-based three-dimensional muscle reconstruction of hip abductor muscle volume in a person with a transfemoral bone-anchored prosthesis: A feasibility study.
R.A. Leijendekkers; M.A. Marra; M.J.M. Ploegmakers; G. van Hinte; J.P.M. Frölke; H. van de Meent; Bart Staal; T.J. Hoogeboom; N. Verdonschot
Magnetic-resonance-imaging-based three-dimensional muscle reconstruction of hip abductor muscle volume in a person with a transfemoral bone-anchored prosthesis: A feasibility study.
R.A. Leijendekkers; M.A. Marra; M.J.M. Ploegmakers; G. van Hinte; J.P. Frolke; H. van de Meent; Bart Staal; T.J. Hoogeboom; N. Verdonschot