Zoek elkaar op en ga samen aan de slag: theorieën, inspirerende voorbeelden en aandachtspunten over participatie van jongeren met een chronische aandoening in beleid, projecten en initiatieven van gemeenten
H.J.M. van Heijningen-Tousain; J.N.T. Sattoe; M. Cardol
Mirror meetings as a tool to enhance professionals' awareness of the lived experiences of young people with inflammatory bowel disease
J.N.T. Sattoe; H.J.M. van Heijningen-Tousain; A.L. van Staa
Impairments and comorbidities in adults with cerebral palsy and spina bifida: a meta-analysis
J.N.T. Sattoe; S.R. Hilberink
Transitie toolkit OpEigenBenen.nu - poster
A.L. van Staa; J.N.T. Sattoe; H.J.M. van Heijningen-Tousain
Transfer in care and diabetes distress in young adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus
J.N.T. Sattoe; M.A.C. Peeters; M.B. Bronner; A.L. van Staa
Active involvement of young people with T1DM during outpatient hospital consultations: opportunities and challenges in transitional care services
M.A.C. Peeters; H.G. de Haan; R.A. Bal; A.L. van Staa; J.N.T. Sattoe
Aging with cerebral palsy: a photovoice study into citizenship
V.G. van Heijningen; M. Cardol; H.J.M. van Heijningen-Tousain; D.M. Oosterveer; F. van Markus-Doornbosch; J.N.T. Sattoe; M. van der Holst; S.R. Hilberink
The added value of transition programs in Dutch diabetes care: a controlled evaluation study
M.A.C. Peeters; J.N.T. Sattoe; M.B. Bronner; R.A. Bal; A.L. van Staa
Self-management of young people with chronic conditions: a strength-based approach for empowerment and support
J.N.T. Sattoe; A.L. van Staa; S.R. Hilberink
Self-management and health promotion in chronic disease: special issue
A.L. van Staa; J.N.T. Sattoe; E. Ista