Encounters with emergence: Welcoming voices of others and otherness through artistic practices
Coumans, Anke; van Boeckel, Jan; Ex, Linde; Schröder, Luuk
Het gevoel dat de wereld míj ademt
van Boeckel, Jan; Doting, Edwina
Communicating and drawing with empathic regard
van Boeckel, Jan
Driedaagse verkenning van Friluftsliv
van Boeckel, Jan; Selker, Jacqueline; Seelen, Corine
Workshop 'Silent Becoming'
van Boeckel, Jan; Buurke, Imka
van Boeckel, Jan; Selker, Jacqueline
"When the moment begins to heave and expand in great circles. Slowing down in times that are urgent", reflection and exercise
van Boeckel, Jan
“When the moment begins to heave and expand in great circles”
van Boeckel, Jan
Let us slow down: Artistic research in times that are urgent
van Boeckel, Jan