How Smart Airport is Paving the way for a Smart Access Concept: Technology’s Role in the Digital Ecosystem of the Access Control Process
Gardt, Sersinho (Kenniscentrum Techniek); Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya (Kenniscentrum Techniek); Satink, Rob
A Framework for Sustainable and Autonomous Airside Operation Benchmarking
Sunaryo, Erlangga Rudy; Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya
An analysis and design for the repair process of Late Show shipments in the Export Cargo Process at SPL HUB
van Rooden, Sjoerd; Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya; Krol, Bart; Olivares-Benitez, Elias; Liberatore, Federico; Parlier, Greg H.; Demange, Marc
Queretaro airport business model
Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya; Boosten, Geert
Competitiveness of Schiphol Airport as European HUB in the Cut Flower Supply-chain
El Makhloufi, Abdel (City Net Zero); Wellens, Ann; Wellens, Ann G.; Zúñiga Alcaraz, Catya A.
Time to sweat the assets?
Mujica Mota, Miguel; Boosten, Geert; Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya
Analyzing airport capacity by simulation
Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya; Mujica Mota, Miguel; Herrera García, Alfonsa; Ochoa-Zezzatti, Alberto; Sanchez, Jons; Cedillo-Campos, Miguel Gaston
Allocation of airport check-in counters using a simulation-optimization approach
Mujica Mota, Miguel; Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya; Mujica Mota, Miguel; Flores de la Mota, Idalia; Guimarans Serrano, Daniel